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- Course Library
- Introduction to Transit Service Policy
- 21st Century Storytelling: Video for Planners
- A Brief History of Immigration and Planning
- A New Era of Downtown Opportunity: The Intersection of Housing and Innovation
- Accessory Dwelling Units: Understanding America’s Newest Housing Typology
- American Architectural Styles
- Arbitrary Lines: How Zoning Broke the American City and How to Fix it
- Area-Based Location Optimization: Urban Green Space Selection
- AutoCAD 101
- AutoCAD for 3D Modeling
- AutoCAD for Site Planning
- Basic Legal Framework for Planning Officials
- Best Practices for Community Engagement
- Beyond Complete Streets for Walking and Biking
- Bicycle-Friendly Streets: Design Standards
- Blogging About Planning
- Bringing Emotional Intelligence to Urban Planning Work
- Build A WordPress Website
- Building a Transit Map Web App
- Building Bad, Part 1: How Architectural Utility is Constrained by Politics
- Building Bad, Part 2: How Architectural Utility is Damaged by Expression
- Building Websites with Squarespace
- Building Websites with Tumblr
- Calculating the Benefits of Parks, Trails, and Open Space
- CartoDB for Planners
- Citizen Science in Urban Planning
- City Dreamers
- CityEngine for Planners 1: Introduction
- CityEngine for Planners 2: Coding in Computer Generated Architecture (CGA) and Exporting
- CityEngine for Planners 3: Integration and GIS
- CityEngine for Planners 4: Sharing Your Work
- Classical Location Theory
- Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Cities
- Code Drafting and the Law
- Coding for Planners: Up and Running with Python
- CommunityViz Introduction
- Complying With Federal Law in Regulating Telecommunications
- Comprehensive Planning for Healthy Communities
- Conceptual Drawing for Planners
- Connecting Households to Sewer Systems
- Constitutional Limitations on Planning and Zoning
- Controlling Rents
- Crafting Engaging Email Newsletters with Constant Contact
- Creating a Low-Carbon, Resilient City
- Creating Interactive iPlans with iBooks Author
- Creative Placemaking for Minority Communities
- Crime and Urban Planning in the United States
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
- Crowdsourcing and Urban Planning
- Defensible Sign Regulations
- Defining Neighborhoods
- Demystifying AI: Terminology, Tools, and Techniques for Urban Planners
- Design for Peace and Democracy
- Design in Planning: An Overview
- Designing a Wayfinding System
- Designing the Built Environment for People With Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Designing the Megaregion
- Developing a Fact Basis for Hazard Planning
- Digital Publishing for Planners
- Disaster Resilience and Recovery Through Land Use Planning
- Donald Shoup Explains Parking Reform
- Drawing in the Landscape: Painting Color
- Drawing in the Landscape: Pen, Pencil and Watercolor
- Drawing in the Landscape: The Adventure Begins
- Drawing in the Landscape: Water and Oil
- E-Waste: A Growing Concern in Waste Management
- Early Career Strategies for Successful Planning Practice
- Economic Impact Analysis in Land Use Planning
- Economic Thinking for Planners: Cities, Externalities, and Governance
- Economic Thinking for Planners: Economics of the Environment
- Economic Thinking for Planners: Gains from Trade, Labor, and Immigration
- Economic Thinking for Planners: Local Government and Governance
- Economic Thinking for Planners: Overview
- Economic Thinking for Planners: Supply and Demand
- Editing for Sense and Accuracy
- Educational Space Programming for a New or Renovated Facility
- Effective City Branding
- Engaging At-Risk Youth in Arts and Culture Curation
- Environmental and Sustainability Standards
- Equitable Transit Oriented Development
- Ethics: Balancing a Business Friendly Planning Environment
- Ethics: Balancing a Business Friendly Planning Environment, Part 2
- Exploring the Regulation of Short-Term Rentals
- External Relations for Planners
- Federal and State Religious Land Use Statutes
- Form-Based Codes 101: Citywide and Countywide Code Updates
- Form-Based Codes 101: Corridors
- Form-Based Codes 101: Downtowns
- Form-Based Codes 101: Introduction
- Form-Based Codes 101: Learning How To Look
- Form-Based Codes 101: Legal Aspects
- Form-Based Codes 101: Neighborhoods
- Form-Based Codes 101: Preparing a Form-Based Code
- Form-Based Codes: Using Building Types, Part 1
- Form-Based Codes: Using Building Types, Part 2
- Frontage Types and the Public Realm
- Geoanalysis with ArcGIS and Google Earth
- GeoDesign Using CommunityViz: Buildout and Visualization
- GeoDesign with CommunityViz: Land Use Designer
- Gephi for Network Analysis and Visualization
- Getting There
- GIS Fundamentals: An Introduction
- GIS Fundamentals: Geocoding, Geoprocessing, and Online Sharing
- GIS Fundamentals: Importing, Selecting, and Managing Data
- GIS Fundamentals: Projections and Map Design
- GIS Fundamentals: Thematic Maps
- GIS Walkability Modeling
- Good Speed by Design: A Network Approach to Traffic Calming
- Green Infrastructure
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting for Cities
- Greening the Neighborhood: Accelerating Sustainability with LEED-ND
- Greening the Neighborhood: An Introduction to LEED-ND
- Greening the Neighborhood: LEED-ND Core Concepts
- Greening the Neighborhood: LEED-ND Globally and v.4 Update
- Greening the Neighborhood: LEED-ND Metrics
- Hand Drawing Master Plans
- Healthy Urban Food Systems: Planning Production Facilities
- Healthy Urban Food Systems: Planning Retail Facilities
- Historic Preservation: How-to Guide
- History of City Planning 1: Ancient Times to the Modern Age (7,500 BC to 1900)
- History of City Planning 2: Modern Ideas of City Planning (1900-1939)
- History of City Planning 3: Midcentury Modern (1940-1979)
- History of City Planning 4: Planning in the Postmodern Age (1980-Today)
- History of City Planning 5: The City of Tomorrow
- History of U.S. Landscape Architecture, Part 1
- History of U.S. Landscape Architecture, Part 2
- Housing and Racial Justice: Current Events Urban Resilience
- How Does Zoning Work?
- How to Scope for Plan Implementation
- How Zoning Shapes Cities, Communities, and Regions
- Illustrator for Planners - Advanced
- Illustrator for Planners - Intermediate
- Illustrator for Planners - Introduction
- Incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals into the Planning Process
- Incremental Code Reform: Enabling Better Places
- InDesign for Planners - Advanced
- InDesign for Planners - An Introduction
- InDesign for Planners - Intermediate
- Interpreting Places and Spaces
- Introduction to Charrettes
- Introduction to Climate Action Planning
- Introduction to Corporate Sustainability
- Introduction to Culture and Placemaking
- Introduction to Dutch Network Planning
- Introduction to GIS, Part 1
- Introduction to GIS, Part 2
- Introduction to Healthy Communities
- Introduction to Historic Preservation
- Introduction to Lighting and Light Pollution
- Introduction to New Mobility
- Introduction to Planning
- Introduction to Planning: Implementation of the Plan
- Introduction to Planning: The Comprehensive Plan
- Introduction to Planning: Zoning as an Implementation Tool
- Introduction to Real Estate Equity Crowdfunding
- Introduction to Resilience Planning
- Introduction to Smart Cities
- Introduction to the UrbanSim Cloud Platform
- Introduction to Transit Oriented Development
- Introduction to Urban Informatics
- Introduction to Urban Sustainability Appraisal Tools
- Introduction to WebGIS
- Introductory Housing Analysis with Excel
- Introductory Population Analysis with Excel
- Introductory Urban Economics Analysis with Excel
- Just Suburbs: The New Frontier for Equity and Inclusion
- K-12 Master Facility Planning
- Katrina Johnston-Zimmerman Talks Philadelphia
- Land Use Planning to Support Economic Development
- Landscape Design for Social Sustainability, Part 1
- Landscape Design for Social Sustainability, Part 2
- Launching (and Relaunching) Your Planning Career
- Leadership in Planning: Strategic Decision-Making in the Public Interest
- Legal Issues for Form-Based Codes
- Legal Issues in Sign Codes
- Lewis Mumford on the City 1: The City - Heaven and Hell
- Lewis Mumford on the City 2: The City - Cars or People?
- Lewis Mumford on the City 3: The City and Its Region
- Lewis Mumford on the City 4: The Heart of the City
- Lewis Mumford on the City 5: The City as Man's Home
- Lewis Mumford on the City 6: The City and the Future
- Lighting Regulations and Dark Sky Places
- Local Regulation of Marijuana Businesses
- Location Optimization
- Make No Little Plans: Daniel Burnham and the American City
- Making Room for Home-Based Businesses
- Managing a Planning Organization
- Managing Multiple Social Media Platforms with Hootsuite
- Mastering Mailchimp
- Measuring Neighborhood Segregation and Diversity
- Methods for Neighborhood Scale Revitalization
- MetroQuest Public Involvement Software: In Practice and In Action
- Mindfulness And Self-Care for Urban Planners
- Missing Middle Housing: Meeting the Growing Demand for Walkable Urbanism
- Mobile Drawing Apps for Planners
- More Sustainability Appraisal Tools and Future Prospects
- Multi-Family Property Valuation Case Study for Planners
- Navigating the Ethical Landscape for AI in Urban Planning
- Office Property Valuation Case Study for Planners
- Organizational Behavior at the Individual Level
- Overview of the Planning Process
- Overview of the Zoning Process
- Parking Benefit Districts
- Parking Reform Made Easy
- Photoshop CC for Planners 1: Basic Functions
- Photoshop CC for Planners 2: More Tools and Techniques
- Photoshop CC for Planners 3: Advanced Techniques
- Photoshop CC for Planners 4: Creating Visual Simulations
- Photoshop CS5 for Planners - Advanced
- Photoshop CS5 for Planners - Intermediate
- Photoshop CS5 for Planners - Introduction
- Placemaking for Community-Based Organizations
- Placemaking for Innovation: Creating Innovation Ecosystems
- Plain Language 101: Techniques to Write Clear, Readable, Inclusive Planning Materials
- Plain Language 102: Integrating Words and Images for Effective Communication
- Planning a Municipal Wayfinding System
- Planning and Promoting Your Community Engagement Process
- Planning and the Law: Procedural Due Process
- Planning and the Law: The Takings Clause
- Planning Communities for Maximum Transit Access
- Planning Ethics
- Planning for Racial Equity
- Planning for the Autonomous Future
- Planning for Universal Design
- Planning in an Era of Disruptive Change
- Planning Official Ethics 101
- Planning the Plan: How to Develop the Scope for a Planning Study
- Podcasting for Planners
- Principles of Materiality, Responsiveness, Inclusivity, and Impact
- Producing Engaging Documents
- Property Cash Flow Analysis for Planners
- Property Valuation for Planners
- Prospects for Zoning Reform
- Public Transit During Covid-19: Challenges and Lessons
- Python Data Analysis and Visualization
- Python Geospatial Analysis and Mapping
- Python Street Network Analysis
- Race, Space, and Planning
- Real Estate Debt for Planners
- Regional Planning Workflows in the UrbanSim Cloud Platform
- Regional Scenario Planning: An Overview
- Regulating Electronic Message Centers
- Regulating Sex Businesses, Part 1: Principles and Foundations
- Regulating Sex Businesses, Part 2: Practical Tips
- Regulatory Implications of Tiny Homes
- Resilience Planning for Coastal Hazards
- Resilience Planning for Floods
- Resilience Planning for Heat and Drought Events
- Resilience Planning for Wildfires
- Right of Way: How Racial and Class Disparities Created a Silent Epidemic of Pedestrian Deaths
- Right-Sizing Zoning for Better Outcomes
- Roadways for People, Part 1
- Roadways for People, Part 2
- SketchUp 2016 for Planners: Introduction
- SketchUp 2016 for Planners: Site Planning
- SketchUp for Planners - An Introduction
- SketchUp for Planners - Intermediate Part 1
- SketchUp for Planners - Intermediate Part 2
- SketchUp for Planners - Intermediate Part 3
- SketchUp for Planners - Modeling Complex Forms and Structures
- Solving Coverage and Location-Allocation Problems
- Storytelling for Planners
- Suburban Remix: Creating the Next Generation of Urban Places
- Suitability Analysis and Linear Optimization: Siting a New Transit Line
- Sustainability Marketing and Greenwashing
- Sustainable Supply Chains
- Tableau for Planners 2: Worksheets
- Tableau for Planners 3: Dashboards
- Tableau for Planners: Introduction
- Tactical Urbanism: An Introduction
- Tactical Urbanism: How It's Done
- Taken For A Ride
- Taking Meaningful Action Towards Fair Housing
- The 21st Century Comprehensive Plan
- The American City, Part 1: A Brief History of the Regular Grid
- The American City, Part 2: The Invention of a New Scale
- The American City, Part 3: Learning from the Grid
- The American City, Part 4: Complexity and Pattern in the City
- The Charrette Way: The Secrets to Collaborative Creativity
- The DIY Form-Based Code: An Introduction
- The DIY Form-Based Code: Publishing and Expanding
- The DIY Form-Based Code: Research and Development
- The DIY Form-Based Code: Testing and Refining
- The Elements of Citymaking: Design, Policy, and Finance
- The Ethics of Disruptive Transportation Technologies
- The Ethics of Office Administration, Part 1
- The Ethics of Office Administration, Part 2
- The Future of Cities After COVID-19
- The Government’s Role in Historic Preservation
- The High Cost Of Minimum Parking Requirements
- The Human Scale
- The Pedestrian Safety Crisis in the U.S.
- The Pruitt-Igoe Myth
- The Right Price for Curb Parking
- The Site Plan
- The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces
- The Story of Sprawl
- The Story of Sprawl - With Commentary Tracks
- The Theory and Practice of Culture and Placemaking
- The YIMBY Movement: Opportunities and Challenges for Planners
- Thinking About Post-Pandemic Cities
- Time Value of Money for Planners
- Traffic Congestion, Part One: Sources and Responses
- Traffic Congestion, Part Two: Congestion Pricing
- Transit Planning: The First/Last Mile
- Transit Service Design 101
- Transportation Planning: Effects on the Environment, Health, and Social Justice
- Transportation Planning: Land Use and Transportation Systems
- Transportation Planning: Making Transportation Plans—Rationality and Politics
- Transportation Planning: Principles and Practices of Transportation Finance
- Transportation Planning: Strategies for Working with Roadway Capacity
- Transportation Planning: The Role of Transportation Systems in Social and Economic Life
- Transportation Planning: Travel Behavior Principles and Modelling Approaches
- Transportation Planning: Travel Behavior Regulations, Pricing, and Programs
- U.S. City Planning 101
- U.S. Housing Policy: What Every Planner Needs to Know
- UN Sustainable Development Goals: The Role of Cities in Implementation
- Understanding Fiscal Impact Analyses
- Understanding Sanitation Work
- Understanding the Content and Process for Determining Ethical Conduct
- Understanding the Great Recession
- United States Census 2020: All About Census 2020
- United States Census 2020: Introduction
- United States Census 2020: Using FactFinder and the American Community Survey
- Urban Agriculture
- Urban Design for Planners 1: Software Tools
- Urban Design for Planners 2: Getting Started with QGIS and SketchUp
- Urban Design for Planners 3: Neighborhoods and Centers
- Urban Design for Planners 4: Mix and Proximity
- Urban Design for Planners 5: Density
- Urban Design for Planners 6: Streetscape Design
- Urban Sustainability Appraisal Tools for Communities and Existing Neighborhoods
- Urban Sustainability Appraisal Tools for Planned Neighborhoods and Landscapes
- Video for Planners
- Virtual Reality for Planners 1: Introduction
- Virtual Reality for Planners 2: Modeling in SketchUp
- Virtual Reality for Planners 3: Working with Unity
- Virtual Reality for Planners 4: Refining the End User Experience
- Visual Simulation: Advanced Rendering in SketchUp
- Visual Simulation: Rendering Styles and Presentation with SketchUp
- Walkable Density: Building Livable, Equitable, and Resilient Communities
- Walking Towards Inclusion
- Wasted Urban Opportunities
- What is a Comprehensive Plan?
- What To Do When You Suspect Your Boss Is Unethical
- Women and Cities 2: The Sexist City
- Women and Cities 3: Gender Equity in Private Life
- Women and Cities 4: Gender Equity in the Public Sphere
- Women and Cities 5: The Feminist Future City
- Women and Cities: Gender Equity, Past and Present
- Working From Home for Planners
- Working in Teams
- Working with 1: Background and Geography
- Working with 2: Topics, Programs, Products
- Working with 3: Interacting with the Data
- Working with 4: Quality, Interpreting and Examples
- Working With Cross-Cultural Differences
- Working with the Public
- Writing a Press Release
- Writing for Planners: Documents that Work
- Writing Master Plans, From Start to Finish
- Zoning for Incremental Development