Course Info
11 video lessons (169 Mins)
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2 mins
2.What is Location Theory?
23 mins
3.Agglomeration: Why Cities Form and Grow
17 mins
4.Agglomeration: Why Cities Form and Grow, Part II
11 mins
5.Bid-Rent Theory: Von Thünen and Alonso
17 mins
6.Bid-Rent Theory: Von Thünen and Alonso, Part II
10 mins
7.Industrial Location: Alfred Weber
16 mins
8.Industrial Location: Alfred Weber, Part II
12 mins
9.Retail Location and Urban Market Areas: Palander, Hotelling, and Reilly
12 mins
10.Retail Location and Urban Market Areas: Palander, Hotelling, and Reilly, Part II
16 mins
11.Central Place Theory
27 mins
Course Description
Understanding and describing the location of business activities has long been a focus for urban planners, regional scientists, and economic geographers. This course traces the key theories and conceptual models that have been developed to explain why economic activities tend to locate where they do. To introduce and explain these theories, this course covers several foundational concepts in classical location theory, including agglomeration economies, bid-rent theory, locational triangulation, urban market areas, and Central Place Theory.
At the end of this course, you will understand the basic principles and economic theories that explain why businesses tend to locate where they do, and thus the spatial-economic structure of cities.
Learn these skills
- Development
- Economics
- History
- Land Use
- Urbanism