Building a Form-Based Code

Form-based codes encapsulate code drafting and design standards for contextual zoning policy. This track, taught by course instructor Norman Wright, teaches what it takes to build successful form-based codes using an iterative, testable model developed with low-cost tools. Wright covers concepts critical to developing the foundation with a form-based code example based on a hypothetical city. The track also provides instruction on how to use SketchUp and other urban design software to effectively convey the form-based code and urban design guidelines to colleagues and the public. Students will be introduced to a “Do-It-Yourself” framework for creating low-cost form-based codes.

The DIY Form-Based Code: An Introduction

Citing standards and design guidelines from SmartCode and The Form-Based Code Guide, this first of several courses introduces a novel, iterative, and testable methodology.

28 Mins

The DIY Form-Based Code: Research and Development

Covering concepts critical to developing the foundation for a code, this course takes a a tour through the creation of a code for the hypothetical city of Wrightville.

66 Mins

The DIY Form-Based Code: Testing and Refining

This third of four courses from the "DIY Form-Based Code" series shows how to use Excel and SketchUp to generate randomization tests, modeling, and refinements for a draft version of a form-based code.

81 Mins

The DIY Form-Based Code: Publishing and Expanding

In this fourth and final course of the DIY Form-Based Code series, learn to visually communicate publishable form-based code by using SketchUp and InDesign.

87 Mins

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