Course Info
12 video lessons (78 Mins)
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Browse Course Chapters
2 mins
2.The Law of Demand
4 mins
3.Substitutes and Subjectivity
2 mins
4.Revealed Preferences
2 mins
5.Responsiveness and Elasticity
8 mins
6.Change in Demand
3 mins
7.Non-Price Rationing and Price Ceilings
12 mins
8.The Diamond-Water Paradox and Marginal Analysis
4 mins
9.Choices Based on Opportunity Costs
5 mins
10.Sunk Costs vs. Opportunity Costs
9 mins
11.Supply-Demand Price vs. Cost Mark-Up Price
11 mins
12.Market-Clearing Price?
11 mins
Course Description
"Supply and demand" is one of the most fundamental concepts of economic thinking. The familiar supply and demand curves are seemingly simple, but in reality, the relationship between supply and demand is complex. This course, the third in the "Economic Thinking for Planners" series, defines both supply and demand and explores their interactions. Once this relationship is understood, it can be used to answer many questions, such as this particularly big question: "What do markets do for us?"
Learn these skills
- Economics
This course is approved for 1.25 AICP CM credits.
This course is approved for 1.5 SACPLAN CPD point.