Course Info
14 video lessons (84 Mins)
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Browse Course Chapters
2 mins
2.Find Me on GitHub
1 min
3.Setting Up Your Coding Environment
8 mins
4.jQuery, Bootstap, and Leaflet
5 mins
5.Developer Tools
7 mins
6.My First Map
5 mins
7.Connecting to the Metro API
13 mins
8.Mapping the Stops
10 mins
9.Zooming to Route
3 mins
10.Using My Icon
4 mins
11.Click and Map
4 mins
12.Removing Routes
4 mins
13.Real Time Buses
9 mins
14.Changing Your Basemap
4 mins
Course Description
This course examines the entire process of building an interactive, web-based mapping application. It previews various technologies commonly used in building web-based visualization applications around municipal data. The course will use the Los Angeles Metro API to map every bus route currently run by the agency, map each bus stop, and conclude by displaying realtime locations of buses on any given route.
Although no prior programming experience is required, the course is specifically designed to bring out the "coder" in the "non-coder," and will teach the basics of internet programming languages. Different web technologies will be explored, including HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Google Maps API, and Leaflet.
Learn these skills
- Data Visualization
- Mapping
- Technology
- Transportation
- Video & Multimedia
- Google Maps
This course is approved for 1.5 AICP CM credit.
This course is approved for 1.5 SACPLAN CPD point.