Mike Lydon

Mike Lydon is a Principal of The Street Plans Collaborative. Mike is also the creator and primary author of the The Open Streets Project and Tactical Urbanism: Short-Term Action, Long-Term Change Vol.1 and Vol.2. Mike is also currently writing a full-length book about Tactical Urbanism, to be published by Island Press in the spring/summer of 2014. As an internationally recognized planner, writer, and advocate for livable cities, his work has been featured by NPR, The New York Times, CNN Headline News, The Atlantic Cities, Planetizen, Grist, Utne Reader, Salon, Next City, Architect Magazine, and Streetsblog, among other publications.

Courses taught by Mike Lydon

Tactical Urbanism: An Introduction

Developed in conjunction with other movements, the Tactical Urbanism approach allows a host of local actors to test new concepts before making substantial political and financial commitments. Sometimes sanctioned, sometimes not, Tactical Urbanism features the following five characteristics: phased instigation, meeting local planning challenges, realistic and short term, low risk-high gain, and stakeholder capacity building.

81 Mins

Tactical Urbanism: How It's Done

From unsanctioned crosswalks to city-led "Pavement-to-Plaza" programs, instructor Mike Lydon describes the success of short-term, temporary projects in influencing long-term physical and policy changes in cities across the United States and Canada.

96 Mins