Course Info
10 video lessons (80 Mins)
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1 min
2.TVM and Planning
3 mins
3.Compounding: Future Value
7 mins
4.Compounding: Future Value with Excel
8 mins
5.Discounting: Present Value
12 mins
6.Net Present Value: Railroad Bond Pricing
12 mins
7.Net Present Value: Apartment Rate Restriction
15 mins
8.Internal Rate of Return
11 mins
9.Time Value of Money in the Planning Framework
4 mins
10.Closing Thoughts
3 mins
Course Description
This course will introduce planners to the concept of time value of money, which will provide the foundation for real estate pro forma analysis. We will cover the concepts of compounding and discounting as well as basic return measures like internal rate of return. Participants can expect to practice basic computer modeling functions that will facilitate present value and return calculations as related to property cash flow projections. The connection between the planning regulatory framework and impacts to developer pro forma analyses and financial returns (for example, an in-lieu fee has $x impact on property cash flow and x% impact on a development internal rate of return) are a consistent focus of the course.
Image credit: Sam Beebe
Learn these skills
- Development
- Economics
- Financing
- Housing
- Land Use
- Real Estate
- Microsoft Excel
This course is approved for 1.25 AICP CM credits.
This course is approved for 1.25 CNU-A credit.