Course Info
10 video lessons (105 Mins)
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Browse Course Chapters
2 mins
2.Public Transit Proposed Definition
12 mins
3.Fixed or Flexible?
9 mins
4.The Wall Around Your Life
6 mins
5.Planning High-access Service Part 1
16 mins
6.Planning High-Access Service Part 2
15 mins
7.Focusing on Transit Friendly Places
6 mins
8.Ridership or Coverage?
14 mins
9.Access and Equity
7 mins
2 mins
What You Will Learn
Understand the key elements of a public transit network and how they work together. Recognize how a transit proposal expands or reduces access to opportunity. Understand transit’s competing goals. Integrate transit network thinking into your own work.Course Description
This course explores the geometric facts underlying how transit networks work and how these networks interact with the built environment to create ridership potential. This discussion includes a review of key principles and examples from various recent network designs. We review the multiple and competing goals for transit, and what difficult tradeoffs still need to be made in making transit policy. We will also explore the relatively new concept of access to opportunity as a possibly unifying measure of a transit network’s success.
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Learn these skills
- Land Use
- Transportation
- Walkability