Mike Ernst
Mike Ernst is an urban planner and designer whose work has focused on participatory planning, community outreach and innovative urban design through creative and engaging visual communication.
Mike Ernst is an urban planner and designer whose work has focused on participatory planning, community outreach and innovative urban design through creative and engaging visual communication.
In this course, we'll cover the web interface of CartoDB, an innovative online mapping platform. Learn how to setup a basic map, add data from ArcGIS and other sources, and publish your map on the web.
This first of a series of courses covering Geographic information Systems (GIS) will guide beginners interested in learning more about GIS, especially with the use of Esri's ArcGIS software.
This fifth installment of the GIS Fundamentals series provides instruction on how to geocode addresses, the basics of geoprocessing, and the use of ArcGIS Online for collaborative mapping and processing.
The fourth installment of the Geographic Information Systems Fundamentals series explains how to configure data sets, including advanced methods for selecting data through spatial and SQL queries, working with relational databases and geodatabases, and importing non-spatial data into ArcGIS.
The course will continue core concepts of GIS that began in the first course, including projections, coordinate systems, cartography, and the difference between raster and vector data models.
This third GIS Fundamentals course covers the basics of making several kinds of thematic maps, including choropleth, dot density, and proportional symbol maps.
Adobe Illustrator is widely recognized among design professionals as the premier vector drawing software, with many valuable design and mapping applications for urban planning. This course builds upon the Intermediate Illustrator for Planners course, going into more detail on how the program can be used for logo design, map making and other uses.
Adobe Illustrator is widely recognized among design professionals as the premier vector drawing software, with many valuable design and mapping applications for urban planning. This course builds upon the Introduction to Illustrator course, giving you step-by-step instructions on some of the more complex tools that come with Illustrator CS5.
Adobe Illustrator is widely recognized among design professionals as the premier vector drawing software, with many valuable design and mapping applications for urban planning. This course gives you a step-by-step introduction to the basic tools of Illustrator CS5.
Adobe InDesign is widely recognized among design professionals as the premier document layout software, with a number of valuable applications for urban planning. This course builds upon the Introduction and Intermediate InDesign courses, giving you step-by-step instructions on my advanced features of InDesign CS6, all built around designing and composing a longer report/plan.
Adobe InDesign is widely recognized among design professionals as the premier document layout software, with a number of valuable applications for urban planning. This course gives you a step-by-step introduction to the basic tools of InDesign CS6.
Adobe InDesign is widely recognized among design professionals as the premier document layout software, with a number of valuable applications for urban planning. This course builds upon the Introduction to InDesign course, giving you step-by-step instructions on some of the more complex tools that come with InDesign CS6.
Adobe Photoshop CC is widely recognized among design professionals as the premier image editing software, with a number of useful applications for urban planning. This course gives you a step-by-step introduction to the basic tools of Photoshop CC.
This course builds upon the first Photoshop CC course, giving you step-by-step instructions on how to use more complex tools and techniques in the program.
This course builds upon the first two courses in the "Photoshop CC for Planners" series. In this installment, we'll cover more advanced functions in the program and start building a digital library, which we'll use in the next course to create a complex visual simulation.
In this course, we'll use the skills and techniques covered in the previous three Photoshop CC courses to create an advanced visual simulation of a re-imagined public space.
Adobe Photoshop is widely recognized among design professionals as the premier image editing software, with a great many valuable applications for urban planning. This course builds upon the Introduction to Photoshop and Intermediate Photoshop Courses, giving you step-by-step instructions on some of the advanced tools that come with Photoshop CS5.
Design professionals widely recognize Adobe Photoshop as the premier image editing software, with many valuable applications for urban planning.This course builds upon the Introduction to Photoshop course, offering step-by-step instructions on more of the helpful tools that come with Photoshop CS5.
Design professionals widely recognize Adobe Photoshop as the premier image editing software, with many valuable applications for urban planning. This course gives planners a step-by-step introduction to the basic tools of Photoshop CS5.
In this course, you'll learn to create an advanced rendering of a SketchUp site model, using a free third-party renderer called Kerkythea to design realistic lighting and shading. Then add components to your rendering in Adobe Photoshop.
Learn to create finalized drawings in SketchUp that look more hand drawn than photorealistic. Using SketchUp and Adobe Photoshop, this course will help you take more control over final images than possible when only exporting from SketchUp.