Course Info
12 video lessons (56 Mins)
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Browse Course Chapters
2 mins
2.Interpretive Planning
5 mins
3.Why Master Plan?
3 mins
4 mins
5.Audience and Style
5 mins
7 mins
7.Putting Faces to a Name
6 mins
8.Checking Connection and Flow
4 mins
9.Stakeholders and Experts
2 mins
10.Developing Content
3 mins
6 mins
12.Closing Thoughts
4 mins
What You Will Learn
- Learn what interpretation means.
- Understand why building an interpretive master plan is a good idea.
- Learn about the levels of research required at different phases.
- Understand how to balance stakeholder and client objectives with audience needs; sympathy with audience realities.
- Learn how project stakeholders and subject matter experts contribute value.
- Learn about the “narrowing focus” of the work: from gathering lots of disparate information to narrowing down a few connected themes.
- Gain some understanding of the considerations of working with designers and interpretive copywriters.
Course Description
Interpretation is the art of revealing historical, cultural, or natural stories about place. As visitors move through a heritage building, trail, park, forest, or downtown square, they might want to know: why is this place important? What is memorable or interesting about it?
This course is for planners interested in planning and integrating interpretive information into a given site. The most interesting stories and themes might be explained on interpretive panels or integrated into such things as public art, a building façade, or a landscape design.
Learn these skills
- Communications & Media
- Data Visualization
- Historic Preservation
- Parks & Recreation
- Site Planning
- Writing