Course Info
9 video lessons (60 Mins)
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Browse Course Chapters
1 min
2.Document Production Overview
5 mins
3.Importing Text from Microsoft Word
12 mins
4.Flowing / Threading Text
6 mins
5.Image Aesthetics in InDesign
6 mins
6.Additional Text Elements
8 mins
7.Dividers and Covers
8 mins
8.Final Stylizing and Document Production
8 mins
9.Packaging Files
3 mins
Course Description
Adobe InDesign is widely recognized among design professionals as the premier document layout software, with a number of valuable applications for urban planning. This course builds upon the Introduction and Intermediate InDesign courses, giving you step-by-step instructions on my advanced features of InDesign CS6, all built around designing and composing a longer report/plan.
Learn these skills
- Communications & Media
- Drawing & Painting
- Plan Making
- Technology
- Adobe InDesign
This course is approved for 1 AICP CM credit.
This course is approved for 1 CNU-A credit.