Course Info
7 video lessons (63 Mins)
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4 mins
2.The Power of a Story
11 mins
3.Connection to Place
12 mins
4.The City as the Site of Human Meaning
10 mins
5.A Country With an Open Wound
12 mins
6.The Battle for the Narrative
9 mins
1 min
What You Will Learn
- Understand the inevitability of change in cities
- Articulate the concept of place attachment and other theories about place and space
- Acknowledge that various types of urban development periods or “eras” have given shape to urban landscapes
- Know the power of place and the oral tradition; what is meant by “sense of place”
- Develop an appreciation for changing dynamics of urbanization and human migrations.
- Understand that sustainable placemaking happens most frequently from the bottom-up from those who grow deep roots in urban places
Course Description
Urban places (cities) are defined by industry, size, density, and population, but humans make and remake urban places through cultural expression, identity, and public participation. The "Introduction to Culture and Placemaking" course focuses on the importance and power of culture, exploring the urban theories that have prepared urbanists and planners alike to recognize culture and embrace of diversity as significant mechanisms for shaping the city and the fate of urban landscapes.
At the end of this course, participants will be able to articulate the role that culture and identity play in changing city and regional economies as well as residential dynamics. Participants will understand the power that individual and collective activities have to transform the city into a place for all as it relates to an influx of migrant and immigrant populations, social factors, climate changes, and other unexpected events, including protests and civil unrest.
Learn these skills
- Civic Engagement
- Demographics
- Equity
- History
- Urban Design