Course Info
- 9 video lessons (65 Mins)
- Published
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1.Introduction1 min
2.Minimum Parking Requirements: 'The Great Planning Disaster'7 mins
3.Parking Requirements Provide More Space for Cars Than for People6 mins
4.As Disastrous and Unfair as the Perversity of a Willful Scheme11 mins
5.Where Do Parking requirements Come From? The American Planning Association5 mins
6.Where Do Parking requirements Come From? The Institute of Transportation Engineers11 mins
7.The Hiding Hand of City Planning4 mins
8.Removing Off-Street Parking Requirements9 mins
9.Two Futures8 mins
What You Will Learn
- Why cities require off-street parking spaces for every land use.
- How cities decide on the number of parking spaces to require.
- How parking requirements damage cities, the economy, and the environment.
- How parking requirements discriminate against communities of color.
- Why cities are removing their parking requirements.
Course Description
Parking requirements are poisoning cities with too much parking. In the book, The High Cost of Free Parking, course instructor Donald Shoup argued that minimum parking requirements subsidize cars, increase traffic congestion, pollute the air, encourage sprawl, increase housing costs, degrade urban design, prevent walkability, damage the economy, and penalize people who cannot afford a car. Since then, to his knowledge, no member of the planning profession has argued that parking requirements do not cause these harmful effects. Instead, a flood of recent research has shown parking requirements do cause these harmful effects.
Learn these skills
- Land Use
- Law and Policy
- Parking
- Regulations
- Transportation
- Urban Design
- Walkability
- Zoning Codes
This course is approved for 1 AICP CM credit.
This is 1 LU.CNU-A
This course is approved for 1 SACPLAN CPD point.