Course Info
8 video lessons (70 Mins)
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Browse Course Chapters
2 mins
2.What Does Better Community Engagement Mean?
8 mins
3.The ROI of Great Community Engagement
11 mins
4.What's Stopping People? 4 Barriers to Public Involvement
5 mins
5.What Motivates Civic Engagement?
7 mins
6.The Psychology of Public Participation
18 mins
7.A Diversity of Tools and Techniques
9 mins
8.Technique for Blending High-Tech and High-Touch Engagement
6 mins
Course Description
Community engagement is a critical skill for planners that requires time and effort to develop. When done well, community engagement can lead to dramatic improvement in plans, more support for plans, and improved efficiencies in cost and implementation. Yet, community engagement presents significant challenges. Dealing with the public and stakeholders is complex and unpredictable. This course provides a solid understanding of the benefits of community engagement, the psychology of public participants, an overview of the tools and tactics to choose from in community engagement, and advice on the creation of a public engagement plan to meet the needs of your projects.
Learn these skills
- Civic Engagement
- Communications & Media
- MetroQuest
This course is approved for 1.25 AICP CM credits.
This course is approved for 1.25 CNU-A credit.
This course is approved for 1 SACPLAN CPD point.