Healthy Urban Food Systems
Food systems should be accounted for in planning processes. Planners can play a vital role in creating access to healthy foods in their communities and resilient community food systems. Course instructor, lawyer, and public health practitioner Lauren Dunning teaches the legal and public health perspectives on the retail side of food systems models, such as farmers markets, grocery stores, and mobile vending, among other examples of sustainable food systems. In this track, students will also explore the role of planning in addressing various issues in urban agriculture, including nuisance complaints, soil and water safety, food sales, and access to land. Each course in this track is approved for CNU-A and AICP CM credit.
Healthy Urban Food Systems: Planning Retail Facilities
This course introduces information from legal and public health perspectives on the retail side of food systems entities, such as farmers markets, grocery stores, and mobile vending.
Healthy Urban Food Systems: Planning Production Facilities
This course examines the role for planning in addressing various forms of urban agriculture as well as many examples from around the country of the statutes, policy, and practices implementing interventions in food production at urban scales.
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