Seema Thomas

Seema Thomas is an urban development professional. She has been working on community development challenges for the past two decades. Her career has focused on developing and expanding innovative and inclusive initiatives to support communities from the neighborhood to the metropolitan scale, both domestically and internationally. She is working as the Deputy Director for the Financial Management Division at HUD. Previously, she was an adjunct professor of urban sustainability at the University of the District of Columbia. In the past, she has consulted and worked for numerous organizations, such as the World Bank, DHS’s Science & Technology Directorate, Freddie Mac, the Urban Institute, and Oliver Wyman & Co. She holds a bachelor's degree in engineering from UPenn, a master's degree in urban planning from Harvard, and a master's degree in public affairs from Princeton.

Courses taught by Seema Thomas

Connecting Households to Sewer Systems

Delve into these intricate systems, where numerous components must work harmoniously to ensure smooth operation. This course outlines a proven process that can promote enhanced connectivity to sewerage infrastructure and systems.

55 Mins

E-Waste: A Growing Concern in Waste Management

Understand the alarming growth of electronic waste and its massive impact on the waste stream, explore innovative approaches used by communities to combat this crisis, and discover the far-reaching consequences of mishandling electronic waste.

51 Mins

Understanding Sanitation Work

This course provides an introduction to sanitation workers, the history of sanitation work, ongoing challenges in the field, and present-day issues facing sanitation workers.

46 Mins

Wasted Urban Opportunities

This course delves into the importance of the circular economy for urban areas and its implications for creative entrepreneurship in the private and nonprofit sectors.

53 Mins