Course Info
8 video lessons (63 Mins)
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Browse Course Chapters
2 mins
2.First Amendment Overview
9 mins
3.Relating Ordinances to Issues
10 mins
4.Significant Cases, Part 1
8 mins
5.Significant Cases, Part 2
8 mins
6.Permit Systems
7 mins
7.Let's Get Practical
10 mins
5 mins
Course Description
Communities regulate the characteristics of signs to achieve multiple goals, such as limiting driver distraction, maintaining the aesthetic character of the community, and implementing aspects of related plans. The extent and nature of such regulations, however, are limited by the First Amendment. This course will show participants how to draft—and adopt—sign ordinances that accomplish those purposes while conforming with the First Amendment. Many, if not most, local sign ordinances today include provisions that violate the Constitution, but in most cases there are ways to accomplish the same policy goals without running afoul of the Constitution. This course provides a brief overview of typical sign regulations, discusses how the First Amendment affects local sign ordinances, and, finally, recommends sign regulations that conform to Constitutional constraints. In this context, the course covers electronic message boards, more traditional forms of temporary and permanent signs, and, last but not least, flags.
Learn these skills
- Land Use
- Law and Policy
- Regulations
- Urban Design
- Zoning Codes
This course is approved for 1 AICP CM credit, including 1 Law CM credit.
View all courses available for CM credit.
This course is approved for 1 CNU-A credit.
This course is approved for 1 SACPLAN CPD point.