Course Info
- 10 video lessons (69 Mins)
- Published
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1.Introduction2 mins
2.Conventional Hazards Planning7 mins
3.Conventional Hazards Planning: Limiting Risk15 mins
4.Introduction to Resilience7 mins
5.Identifying Threats to Your Community7 mins
6.Assessing Physical Vulnerabilities7 mins
7.Assessing Social and Economic Vulnerabilities7 mins
8.Developing a Resilience Plan8 mins
9.Case Studies5 mins
10.Conclusion1 min
What You Will Learn
- Understand conventional disaster planning
- Understand key concepts of resilience planning
- Assess potential hazards and threats facing your community
- Assess hazard exposure
- Assess physical and social vulnerabilities
- Identify practices and policies to foster physical, economic, and social resilience
- Understand the process for developing hazard mitigation plans
Course Description
Natural hazards represent an enormous threat to human health, safety, and welfare. Vulnerability to natural hazards is exacerbated by growing populations in hazard-prone areas and sprawling patterns of development. Additionally, climate change is contributing to increased threats of everything from heat waves, hurricanes, severe droughts, tornadoes, and torrential rain. This combination of factors means the human and economic costs of disasters continue to grow.
Conventional hazards planning has proven unequal to the growing threat from natural hazards, and a new approach is necessary. This course discusses the limitations of conventional hazards planning and how resilience planning represents a more holistic approach to reducing vulnerabilities and building the capacity to respond effectively to hazards.
This course introduces key concepts of resilience planning and explains how to incorporate resilience planning in communities. We will discuss the hazard assessment process to identify the exposure to physical and social threats from disasters as well as the process for developing a hazard mitigation plan for your community.
This course is not intended to address every potential hazard facing communities; instead, it will provide an introduction to resilience planning and the processes that build capacity in your community to identify potential hazards, reduce vulnerability, and recover quickly when a disaster does occur. Because, with natural disasters, it’s not a question of if; it’s a question of when.
Learn these skills
- Environmental Planning
- Land Use
- Resilience Planning
- Sustainability
- Urban Design
- Zoning Codes
This course is approved for 1 AICP CM credit, including 1 Sustainability and Resilience credit.
This course is 1 LU.SACPLAN CPD
This course is approved for 1 SACPLAN CPD point.