Course Info
7 video lessons (47 Mins)
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Browse Course Chapters
1 min
2.What is CityEngine?
5 mins
3.Workspaces and Directories
5 mins
4.Creating a CityEngine Project
6 mins
5.Creating Streets and Lots
13 mins
6.Working with Layers
8 mins
5 mins
What You Will Learn
- How CityEngine is used in planning
- Introduction to 3D procedural modeling
- Best practices for setting up directories and projects
- Interface and workspace walkthrough
- Setting up a CityEngine project
- Creating streets and lots
Course Description
This course is the first in the CityEngine for Planners series. The first course is designed for beginners seeking an introduction to 3D procedural modeling and CityEngine software. By the end of this course, you'll understand what CityEngine is and what it is used for, navigate the CityEngine interface, create a project, and create streets and lots.
Learn these skills
- 3D Modeling
- Modeling & Simulation
- Site Planning
- Technology
- Urban Design
- ESRI CityEngine
This course is approved for .75 AICP CM credit.
This course is approved for 1 SACPLAN CPD point.